- Trading Arm of the Foundation trades on and behalf and for the Foundation and most of our trading companies are set up as a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to meet the performance required for its purpose
- All SPV are at presently administered via United Kingdom and the operated system within the locality of the trade area and country with the aim to (a) maintain legal and (b) financial governance.
- The model of all trading is done under a client centred humanitarian business model with clear underpinning criteria.
- To maintain transparency, legal and financial governance transaction are process via a Block Chain model.
Aim of Trading Arm:
Foundation is not allowed to trade but the trading arm trades for the foundation with the aim to generate income:
- To fund the client’s project
- To maintain the cost effectiveness of the Trading arm
- To fund the Foundation’s planned humanitarian activities both locally and internationally, with the aim to :
- be independent from aids and external financial support
- Meet our reactive, mid-term and long-term financial strategies of Foundation.
The Key objectives of the trading group/s on income generation are as follows:
- The objective is client centered and structured where the trade model is unique for the benefit of the client and the foundations purpose with the aim to meet:
- The need of the client
- The need of the company
- The demand and the purpose of Foundation
- Each trading company will be responsible and accountable for specific trading domain to the agreed terms.
- Each trading company will be responsible independently to negotiate and facilitate trading activities with any appropriate party/s.