The Foundation
With the current status of the Geo Political, Economic and Financial turmoil the Foundation has been vigorously been engaged in creating a unique Financial, Economical and humanitarian model to over ride some the current dispositions due to external factors.
This model has been created from intensive research derived from the last 50 years of Global Economical / Financial Management statistics which has been incorporated within analytical projections. The Foundation has now compiled positive growth forecast for the next 25 years with our model with the aim to maintain a non depleting system of finance especially for the investor/s, to stabilise secured growth.
Foundation Criteria
The Foundation criteria is to maintain it’s clear intent and purpose and to be valued by it’s worthiness, effectiveness to self-sustain its success.
Supporting People internationally
The Foundation also supports the development of eco tourism within the specific areas it operates where the resources are limited to support the community to become self sufficient.
This would be as defined by the United Nation’s UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization), in satisfying the needs of both tourists and host regions, while protecting and in evaluating future opportunities, emphasizing a resource gestation that fulfills economic, social and esthetic needs, all while maintaining cultural integrity, ecological processes, biological diversity and life systems.
The Foundation’s aim is to support the development of schools and medical facilities for local artisan miners and their families. This would then be followed up with the development of Low cost Eco Housing system. Taking into consideration our current requirements by reducing Global emissions to Eco Friendly energy usage.